
Tuesday 14 October 2014

Islam, Jihadist, good Muslims and bad Muslims - are you confused?

The press has been quick to sanitize any reference to Muslims taking part in terrorist activities. They say these are all the work of small radical factions, the jihadist, who  don't represent what real Muslim stands for.  After all Islam is a religion of peace they repeat.

I lived in an Islamic country for many years. In that country, there are two major groups of Muslims - the radical fundamentalist group that want to bring their society (including everyone else) back to the teachings of the Koran, and the other moderate group who are happy to make a living and have a nice house and car.

Both groups attend mosques weekly, say their prayers daily while bowing to Mecca. So what's the difference between the two? Why has one group become so radical?
The answer is simple - one reads the Koran and practices it, while the other group just goes to the mosque because they were born Muslims.  Guess which group the terrorists come from? The group who reads and practices the Koran!

This is where the media are deceiving the masses. They say that these radicals are extreme groups that do not represent Islam, In reality, these radicals represent Islam, and the moderates are the ones who don't follow their Koran strictly.  These latter group are the equivalent of the traditional Christians who attend church once in Easter and once during Christmas.

When a Muslim reads the Koran, and seeks to obey it, they have no choice but become radicals because that is what the Koran teaches.  There will be peace when the entire world is under the rule of Islam. In order to achieve that 'peace', all infidels need to be brought into subjection. If they refuse, kill them. Look at this verse from the Koran:

“And KILL them (the unbelievers) wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.” (Sura 2, verse 191).

Haven't history proven this - look at what Muhammed its founder did to the nations he conquered. Look at what happen in Constantinople when the Turks took it. Whenever Muslims conquer a non-Muslim country, its inhabitants have two choices - convert to Islam or die. For recent examples, look at what has happened to Sudan and other smaller African nations.

What about Muslim countries now? I see freedom of religion where other non Muslim groups are tolerated.  This is due to the fact that these governments are not 'Muslim' by definition or in practice - they are luke warm Muslims i.e don't really practice the teachings of the Koran.  Have a guess what happens to any of these minority group if they don't tow the line in these Muslim majority countries. Dare any of them hold public rallies like the Muslims are allowed in the West?

Islam is a 'religion of peace' by any means, including beheading your opponents.  It's peace if you submit but death if you don't.  Submission means slavery, rape, blackmails and kidnapping - slavery in a different form. It is a religion that has no place in this world.

I do have Muslim friends who are gentle country folks. They say their prayers but do not carry out all the teachings of the Koran, hence they do not become jihadist. But the moment some firebrand jihadist stirs them up to follow what the Koran teaches, you suddenly have a very different person - not the neighbor you thought you knew.

I hope Muslims wake up to realize that their religion has put them in bondage. I hope they have the courage to break free and be brave enough to bear the attacks that will come their way.   I hope children of Muslim families see the freedoms enjoyed in the West and ask why such freedoms do not exist in the Muslim nations. I hope the world sees why Muslims by the thousands want to emigrate to Western countries.  If Islam is so good, stay there.

Oh, and I also wish those blind Leftist who are trying to destroy our Judeo-Christian culture realize what a great blessing it is to live in a Western society, enjoying its freedoms, free speech, morality and peace. These are a result of Christianity turning the world upside down.  I can see the difference because I used to live in a Muslim nation.