
Sunday 17 May 2015

When doing good is not so good

I've been getting involved in a local church fellowship that I felt is a breadth of fresh air - this church is heavily involved in community related services. What! A church actually doing good works! There's free community meals, free mother's group, free financial counselling, free English classes for migrants. They're involved in justice movements, freedom from poverty advocacy and the likes. Mind you, the community meals even have table cloths and a three course dinner. What impressed me is, finally, here is a church that strives to be a light of the world and the salt of the earth. How many churches can say that they make a real impact to the local community?  This one does. Sadly, the majority of churches would not be noticed by the local community if the church disappeared over night!  Ask yourself, if your local church disappeared overnight, would anyone outside the four walls feel it?  

The things I mentioned are all good things that churches ought to be doing. So what's wrong with these?  Don't many Christians wish their local church leadership would get off their comfortable high chairs and initiate even one of these?  

However, I began to notice something - most if not all these activities do not go beyond 'good deeds'.  I observed that there are many volunteers who would happily carry plates of hot meals to these guests, but hardly any would actually sit down and talk with these guests. Yes, it’s good to do community meals and feed the hungry. However is that all there is?    What about sitting down with those who come, listen to their stories and problems, and really caring for them.   What about sharing the gospel with them so that they have a real permanent hope to cling on to once they leave the meal table? 

Doing good is important, because without it, out faith is on questionable grounds. However doing good for doing good's sake is pointless. It must be done so that the glory goes back to God. We need to rely on the Holy Spirit to point these people to Jesus; because once they connect with the living God, He will take care of them and transform them permanently. We can feed the belly, but little more. The real good works is to point them to the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Supporting advocacy for justice, anti-slavery and fair trading are all good things to be involved in. But these must end up with giving God the glory and not become an end in itself.  How many great organisations started out as Christian charities but end up being just another 'do goody' organisation that lives to promote itself. Christ is forgotten from the agenda. Their aim has become purely materialistic - keep promoting the organisation to get more money. 

Satan has succeeded in infiltrating his devilish agenda into these organisations - don't fight them, just point them to another direction. What better means to defeat the enemy than to get the enemy to divert all its energies and resources away from God's agenda. This way no one gets into the kingdom of heaven and precious money is diverted from the real needs. 

 You may as well go support the RSPCA and say you've done your part for the Kingdom of God.